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Station Locations

New Corridor Route

Three station locations along the Capitol Corridor route were analyzed to determine if they were feasible locations for the project’s new transbay station. They included Hayward, Newark Junction and Ardenwood. Each station was evaluated against four categories to identify which is the most feasible location.

Station Feasibility Criteria

TIRCP icon

Capitol Program Benefits

Reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve air quality

Increase ridership based on system and efficiency improvements

Coordinate and integrate with state rail and transit operations

Improve safety

Feasibility icon

Design Feasibility


Capitol Corridor Joint Powers Authority station standards

Union Pacific Railroad acceptability

Stakeholder approval

Non-rail right-of-way required



Environmental icon


Land use consistency

Sensitive air quality and noise receptors

Community cohesion

Visual and aesthetic resources

Natural resources

Protected Section 4(f) public parks, refuges, and historic properties

Access and circulation

Environmental justice

Station Area icon

Station Area

Bicycle and pedestrian accessibility

Existing parking

Local traffic impacts

Priority development area designation

Service optimization

State and local plan consistency

Station Planning

Hayward Station Study

Definition report thumbnail image

State Route 92 overpass of Coast Subdivision line

Surrounding Area:
Mostly industrial and residential ¼ mile east of rail line


  • No existing transit services in study area
  • Existing space adjacent to freeway not large enough
  • Another parcel ¼ mile away could be considered in the future

Newark Station Study

Definition report thumbnail image

Dumbarton Rail Corridor connects with Coast Subdivision and Centerville lines

Surrounding Area:
Northern part mostly residential and Southern area mostly industrial


  • Requires track re-alignment and rail configurations
  • Limited right of way space

Ardenwood Station Study

Definition report thumbnail image

State Route 84 overpass of Coast Subdivision line on the Fremont and Newark boarder

Surrounding Area:
Existing Park & Ride lot. Adjacent business park and residential approximately ¼ mile away


  • Rezoning plans near proposed station will bring over 30,000 jobs and existing large tech and auto industry already leasing west of study area
  • Adjacent high employment growth adjacent provides direct connection between jobs and homes
  • Existing bus and shuttle services

Station Evaluation

The South Bay Connect Project is anticipated to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve air quality by eliminating 289,390 metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions over 50 years. This projection is based on a 2% annual ridership increase over 50 years. Increased ridership projections are based on three key factors:

  • Service will shift to higher-density land uses near stations
  • Transbay connectivity will create new travel option and lead to mode shift from personal vehicle to rail transit
  • More direct route between Oakland and San Jose will reduce travel time, thus making rail travel more attractive and lead to mode shift from auto to Capitol Corridor service

The ridership analysis looked at station locations to determine the location with the highest ridership potential. For more information on the ridership analysis, view the Project Definition Report.

Table showing updated daily ridership forecast

Another key criteria for station identification is the ability to create multi-modal connections, especially to transbay transit services. Local transit connections were considered a smaller factor than transbay transit connections, which can be more difficult to reroute from the highway to local streets.

Existing and planned transit connectivity options

Evaluation Results

The three potential station locations were evaluated across the following scale:

Unfavorable (1): Does not yield benefits and/or could impede project implementation.

Neutral (2): Yields moderate benefits and/or is not expected to impede project implementation.

Favorable (3): Yields significant benefits and/or would not impede project implementation.


Ardenwood results: 97%

Criteria Group Max Possible Score
TIRCP Benefits 12 12
Design Feasibility 21 21
Environmental 24 23
Station Area 18 17
TOTAL 75 73


Hayward results: 68%

Criteria Group Max Possible Score
TIRCP Benefits 12 8
Design Feasibility 21 12
Environmental 24 18
Station Area 18 13
TOTAL 75 51


Newark Junction results: 60%

Criteria Group Max Possible Score
TIRCP Benefits 12 8
Design Feasibility 21 9
Environmental 24 17
Station Area 18 11
TOTAL 75 45

For detailed information on the criteria evaluation view the Project Definition Report